Vrooming cars and freezing buttocks.

How things can change in football. You think that Raith are never going to score and then they go and score 5! I have been out and about all over the past few weeks, Madrid, Zaragoza and Montmelo (mount melon, the home of F1 in catalunya), and I have been loving it! Vrooming cars and freezing buttocks have been the name of the game. 

Hope that we are all happy with the current form of the beloved Raith. long may it continue!


First published in the match day programme from the game on the 3rd of March 2012

Raith 5 - 0 Morton

Paella and Bovril

Move to Spain, the sunshine is great. Oh yes really great, in the summer! If you ask people to describe Spain, sunny days and incredible heat will be up there on their lists. Sitting on the beach, sipping sangria is pretty much how I imagined spending my time in Spain.  The other night could not have been further from my Spanish dream.
A few weeks ago I was away with work for week in Madrid, not bad really, I had a few hours of work to do in the morning and the rest of the day was mine to play with.  I was sorted, just the small problem of a wee Rovers away match at Hamilton to sort out. It would be fine I thought, the hotel has WiFi, or as we say here in Spain “weefee”, all I had to do was to put my faith in the fabby Twitter community of Rovers fans and I would be fine. Well my hotel room was lucky to have a bed never mind a door to the shower or a working internet connection.  Now I am not one to panic, but PANIC!  Ok all I had to do was find a wi-free hot spot in the city and I would be fine. One small flaw in my plan, it was 6 below freezing in Madrid at night, minus 6, come on now this is Spain! So with hat, scarf, Raith of course, a few jumpers and a large coat firmly in place I was ready to venture out with a few mates from work, one of those being a mate from my Fife college days whom until coming to work in Barcelona a few months ago I had not seen for 12 years. He was and still is an Aberdeen fan so he at least knew who Raith were and could understand a little bit my desperation to discover the score.
After a few drinks in a couple of bars claiming to have Wifi I was getting a little edgy at the lack of knowledge.  I decided that when the going gets tough, the tough get McDonalds, it always has Wifi. So there I was, standing outside a McDonalds, freezing my little fingers off trying to find out about a Raith defeat! Not the Sangria sipping, beach sitting I had hoped for. I must be mental, a good thing to be if you area a Rovers fan I think. With this defeat things were starting to look pretty bleak!

Every club wins some and loses some, but I as starting to think I was destined never to see, hear or even find out through tweets a Rovers win again. Some people were even calling me a jinx, in jest yes, but what if it was true!
Saturday came round pretty quickly and I was determined to have a better footballing afternoon, not standing on freezing corner in Madrid being mocked by an Aberdeen fan. I had a feeling in my water today was going to be a good day.  I was getting to buy my first Raith season ticket in years as Raith Rovers Abroad were finally going to launch.  3.50pm local time rolls round and the chat box is buzzing. Of course within the first half we go one down to an own goal, this was not going to be the day. This got me thinking, when was the last time I heard live a Rovers win, I lost count at 10 years.  This made for a depressing half time cup of tea. Could Rovers get the goals in the second half? Not bloomin likely I thought, I am the jinx! Oh how wrong I was thankful!  Two wonder strikes, well so my slightly busted speakers tell me as the commentators got a little excited, we all got a little too excited. We got those points, my first win in 10 years and best of all maybe I was not the jinx.  What a week, first a freezing defeat, then a sunny three points, this is what being a football fan is all about!


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