Some things are bigger than a white ball

This weekend in football has seen more than it's fair share of sadness this weekend. At times like this my thoughts are with those who have loved and lost in the spotlight of football.

It is that time again when finals are played and relegation is to be avoided with skins of teeth! 
I was almost sectioned by my neighbours the other day due to Raith Rovers! My Internet went down at kick-off aaahhhhhhh, I need my Raith Rovers Abroad.  to get me through my Saturday afternoon. Luckily Barcelona city has an ok free WiFi service, so I went out to my local bench in the sun and listened, and jumped and cheered and screamed and almost cried at Damian Casalinuovo last kick equaliser. 

Anyway again enough of my gabbing and I will let you settle down with Paella and Bovril. 


Paella and Bovril

Spring has sprung here in Barcelona, the sun is shining, the locals are starting to move away from the thermals, hats and scarves and opening their windows to let the sunshine in! This time of year also means a lot to football fans, Champions League gearing up for the final stages, relegation battles to be lost, titles to be won, “la primavera” really is a great time even if you are worried about going down. However I imagine that this spring is not the spring Rangers had planned!

Now I know that Rangers is not everyone favorite club, some might even say worse things, but regardless of what you might think or say about them they are someone’s employer. One comment on Twitter “how many of their fans genuinely support the club?” did get me thinking, does Rangers have too many armchair fans, does sport have to many “lazy” fans?

A few weeks ago I took my behind to Montmelo to see my beloved F1 cars. With the football spring also comes with the start of the F1 season, and I love it! Nearly every Sunday you will find me well placed on my sofa ready to watch Jenson Button and co race round and round. So because I do not fork out the thousands of pounds (if not millions) needed to follow this sport does this make me a terrible fan? Until the point I have enough pennies saved to jet off round the world following something I love I will have to make do with the test days on Mount Melon (montmelo) for the princely sum of 22 euros. And that is just it, not all stay at home supporters can afford to come out and pay to see their heroes.

The other night I was watching the Champions League match between FC Barcelona and Bayer Leverkusen and for every one of the 7 goals Barcelona scored I could hear the neighbourhood cheer, so why, if there were so many fans kicking around town at home and in bars, was Camp Nou so empty! Maybe the "la criiiiisssiiissss" has finally hit, fans can't afford the terrible Champions league prices, or maybe it is the blasé attitude of well they have plenty more rounds to go we will go next time. FC Barcelona is a massive club with nearly a whole nation as it's supporters club but even it can't fill the stands! I heard someone say that Scotland per head of population had the highest number of football supporters through its doors, does this mean that with our half empty stands we may not be able to find more supporters?

Scottish football is going to suffer from any club disappearing. I know that some find my love for the Scottish game a little bizarre, why follow Raith when you could be at Camp Nou, because Rovers are my team, as Rangers, Motherwell even Dunfermline are someone's team. Yes some supporters are more fannies than fans, but at times like this can beggars be choosers?


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