No business like the football business

Finally I am posting a actual PnB! Thanks for all the kind comments that I have been sent, nice to know people read and enjoy.

Well the reason there has been a LLLLLLOOOOONNNNGGG gap between servings of Paella and Bovril is mainly due to prepping for  TRIing 4 The Rovers 2014 sprint triathlon. Just last week I was allowed to be part of a group,who got to have a session with Cesc Godoy, Barcelona's own pro triathlete!


The person who coined the phrase "there is no business like show business" obviously had never been involved in football! But can you compare football to a division of the entertainment industry. A recent headline from a London-based newspaper read "Recent figures compare London's theatre land to the world of Premiership football". Which team got more bums on seats, theatre or football? Well, 13 million people went to see England's Premier League, however 22 million people went to visit one of the 241 professional theatres that are available in London. Live entertainment is on the up: over 33 million people can't be wrong.

 Is "standing in the terrace" any different from sitting in the stalls? The stage is set, (well, the grass is mown and the lines painted) but as they say "all the world's a stage". Our 'goodies' are the players who don our teams colours and the 'baddies' are anyone in the opposition's costume of shirts and shorts. Songs are sung and audience participation is encouraged, interval refreshments of pies and Irn Bru are had and opinions on act one are given. After the whistle is blown numerous reviews are written, stars might even be awarded. Football is even becoming famous for its glitzy and glamorous award ceremonies with it's very own fashionistas critiquing the suits and boots of our favorite players. Of course, there are some who love all the glitz and glamour of a big West End number and others who are more at home in a Fringe venue.

The Theatre is not everyone's cup of tea and the idea of a night at the Opera conjures up images of posh frocks and foreign wailing but who couldn't  enjoy shouting out "it's behind you" at the local panto! And let's be honest football at times is more Widow Twankey than Madame Butterfly. But that is what makes this sport fantastic anyone can come along and have a good time cheering the good guys and booing the baddies!
So the next time you find someone looking for a piece of live entertainment and they like comedy, tradegy or fantasy, football could be for them.
Because as we all know and love the fact that "There's no business like the fitbaw business"


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