
Showing posts from September, 2014

No business like the football business

Finally I am posting a actual PnB! Thanks for all the kind comments that I have been sent, nice to know people read and enjoy. Well the reason there has been a LLLLLLOOOOONNNNGGG gap between servings of Paella and Bovril is mainly due to prepping for   TRIing 4 The Rovers 2014  sprint triathlon. Just last week I was allowed to be part of a group,who got to have a session with Cesc Godoy, Barcelona's own pro triathlete! PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR MATCH DAY PROGRAMME The person who coined the phrase "there is no business like show business" obviously had never been involved in football! But can you compare football to a division of the entertainment industry. A recent headline from a London-based newspaper read "Recent figures compare London's theatre land to the world of Premiership football". Which team got more bums on seats, theatre or football? Well, 13 million people went to see England's Premier League, however 22 million people went to visit...
Wow it has been a while since a dusted of the palleador and rinsed out my mug and served up some paella and bovril! Well the reason is simple...........I have been busy getting my body ready for another triathlon that I will be doing on the 5th October. This will be my third year doing the Garmin traithlon in Barcelona for the Raith Rovers supporters trust But do not fear folks I am just finishing up some articles to post over the next few weeks after they appear in the Raith Rovers match day magazine. Thanks for your support! Please have a read of some old PnBs , I promise they haven't gone mouldy yet! Carol