Licking lizards.

My words how time flys! Here we are about to hit December and Christmas will be upon us before we know it! 
I am happy to say that this time round "Paella and Bovril" is coming on the back of a Raith Rovers victory. It seems that a few extra heart beats are getting the team  going.
Sad times also in football this weekend with the passing of Gary Speed at the weekend. My thoughts are with his family and friends. 

Paella and Bovril

Being a fan a one of the smaller clubs could be described as riding roller coaster every season. Will you go up, will you go down, will you get a wee cup run and now we have Can we pay the bills? to contend with. Clubs for sale, stands closing, players not being paid are now all too familiar in football all over the world. It is a ride every football fan wants off of!  At times like these you can find yourself wondering why? But what we need to do at times like these it get motivated!  It is a vicious circle to get caught up in. If the team loses the fans get down. If the team continues losing, the fans get on their backs. If the fans turn against the club then we all end up feeling a bit flat and deflated.  Not a good thing for anyone.  Troubling times for all involved. Does it get better or is it just going to get worse?
A few weeks ago Levante UD topped La liga, for the first time in the clubs history! I was intrigued, their seemed to be a wee story behind this club so I decided to investigate a wee bit more, well when I say investigate, I asked my local barca fans about this “wee” club over a cup of coffee. They came up a few seasons ago and survived in 14th last season so no-one’s expecting them to be at the top of the league and for them to have a victory over Real Madrid under their belts.  This from a club that had a nightmare season 2008-2009.  The team seemed in free fall, 18 million owed to the players, players refusing to move for several seconds at the kick off for games, lower division football guaranteed with several games to go! Not a pretty picture.  Players were even going to strike against the club at the fixture with Real Madrid. Not the best press for the Spanish game.
However the strike was averted when the players agreed to a game against a team made up of other top league players with the proceeds from the match going to paying the players who had not been paid in a long time.  
The team had a few season to re-group and came back up to top-flight football in 2010.  Not bad for a club that a few seasons previous could not get its own players to play for it.
This season has a long way to go and, who knows, Levante UD may plummet down the table and the high that their fans felt will be long forgotten, but they did get to the top, they survived!  
Yes ok, I understand that the club was dealing in the millions and are playing in a league where money appears to be no object, but trust me this dream league does have its problems.  Levante UD may have survived but could they survive again and what about the clubs in the lower division are they going to be able to survive? Girona FC were playing a derby match in their almost 10,000 seater stadium but only over 4,000 fans show up. Barcelona are on the tele, a wee cerveca in the bar with mates watching Messi and co, or a wet night watching Girona play Sabadell.  Every week you can watch either Barcelona or Real Madrid. These clubs are huge and getting bigger whilst the smaller clubs are fighting to get the scraps off the table. Can small clubs survive in this Spanish crisis? Maybe Spanish football has got to big for its fancy coloured boots?  


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