Licking lizards.
My words how time flys! Here we are about to hit December and Christmas will be upon us before we know it! I am happy to say that this time round "Paella and Bovril" is coming on the back of a Raith Rovers victory. It seems that a few extra heart beats are getting the team going. Sad times also in football this weekend with the passing of Gary Speed at the weekend. My thoughts are with his family and friends. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL CLUB AND IT'S MATCH DAY PROGRAMME. Paella and Bovril Being a fan a one of the smaller clubs could be described as riding roller coaster every season. Will you go up, will you go down, will you get a wee cup run and now we have Can we pay the bills ? to contend with. Clubs for sale, stands closing, players not being paid are now all too familiar in football all over the world. It is a ride every football fan wants off of! At times like these you can find yourself wondering why? But what we need to do at times l...