Being a Rover Abroad
In the cold dark days that are the close season I was asked to write for the Raith Rovers web site about being a Raith Rover Abroad, and I suppose about being a football supporter of a wee team away from home. Hope you enjoy. I am filling in the dark days with Euro 2012's. Can Spain make it a triple, 2 euros and a world cup!?! It is actually quite an achievement that a wee bit of plain white stitched leather can affect the world so much, but it does. This wee ball can be bouncing around amongst millions or covered in mud and being chased by a dog in your local park. I am, of course, talking about the beloved game of football. I have been living in the absolutely crazy city of Barcelona for nearly six years now. Before moving out here, I was a Stark’s Park regular (work permitting, of course) and I have to admit as far as the pros and cons of moving out here are concerned, not seeing Raith was a big con. It was going to be hard enough...